Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bioentrepreneurial Product Post

A Bioentrepreneurial product that I would like to see developed and created is an artificial brain, a commodity which would be a marvelous breakthrough of science in the numerous upcoming years of the twenty first century. Although the most technologically advanced of humanity's nano-machines are not yet sophisticated enough to traverse through man's bloodstreams, Japanese scientists and researchers have already developed a prototype nano brain in this year of 2008. Although only a protoype, this nano brain would be the first step in the formation of a true artificial brain for the benefit of all mankind. The potential benefits of an artificial brain having direct control of nano-machines are immense and vast. Not only can an artificial brain highly elevate the processing performances of today's computers to enormous capacity ever imagined, but can also provide advances in medicine. If, one day, a true artificial brain shall be brought into existence, it will have control of swarms of nano-machines, guiding them throughout man's bodies. These nano-machines, under the direct domination of the artificial brain, would have the objective to treat disease and other possible functions while in a man's body. According to Dr Anirban Bandyopadhyay, one of lead scientists in the development of the artificial brain, "If [in the future] you want to remotely operate on a tumor you might want to send some molecular machines there." However, Dr Bandyopadhyay also informs us that nano-machines do have their limitations, "But you cannot just put them into the blood and [expect them] to go to the right place." However, withstanding this minor limitation, the production of a true artificial brain will forever change humanity, having a lasting foundation on its unknown future into the 21st century.
The development of an artificial brain truly fascinates and astounds me. I never actually thought the usage of nano-machines, something I have constantly seen in science fiction movies and animations, could be possible. An artificial brain would not only lead to superior computers and a revolution in advanced technology, but to also amazing medical advancements. One day, nanomachines would be able to treat the many diseases and pains which plague the vulnerable bodies mankind, such as tumors and cancer. Nanomachines may also give information to man on how cancer and AIDS can be cured once and for all. One day, men will be able to communicate without uttering a word with the usage of nanomachines and become real cyborgs with advanced nanotechnology, as depicted in many SCI-fi movies. The surprisingly successful and relatively swift development of the artificial brain hints that this future is for mentioned can be possible, if not inevitable.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Scientific Breakthrough: A Biosensor that can detect Explosives

Dr. Danny Dhanasekaran
In the month of May, 2007, researchers from the Temple University School of Medicine produced a new breed of biosensor which has the ability to identify and pinpoint the presence of explosive materials. Thus, dangerous and life threatening explosives such as TNT and claymores can be "sniffed" out by this biosensor before they can commit serious injury or death to individuals. It is furthermore implied that this new biosensor may also be developed to detect land mines and lethal and extremely toxic chemical agents, such as sarin gas. Temple University's Dr. Danny Dhanasekaran spearheaded the development of this revolutionary biosensor alongside his associates.In the first stelp to the development of the biosensor, Dr. Dhanasekaran.In the first step to the development of the biosensor, Dr. Dhanasekaran and his colleagues created some yeast cells wherein they cloned individual rat olfactory receptor. The biosensor would turn fluorescent green once this olfactory receptor smells DNT which is one of the ingredients of TNT.It has been said that once the full capabilities of this olfactory receptor has been exhausted and perfected, all environmental toxins and warfare chemical agents could also be easily detected. One day, it is also implied that the new biosensor will be developed to achieve more than what it can accomplish. According to Dr. Dhanasekaran, “With further genetic fine-tuning of the olfactory receptor pathway, this system could also be used to screen experimental medications, a crucial step in the development of new drugs.”


I believe that a biosensor that could detect explosives and someday, chemical weapons and landmines could be very beneficial to mankind. Thousands of lives, military or civilian, could be saved though this simple but yet revolutionary biological breakthrough. I sincerely hope that one day this biosensor can be put into permanent use and be developed to fulfill its full functions. I commend Dr.
Dhanasekaran and his staff for their attempts to save human lives through science.